All our articles

17th July 2023 : we made it to Nuuk!

We are safely moored alongside another couple of commercial boats in Nuuk harbour. As we understand now, it is common practice in Greenland to raft alongside other boats, whether they are sailing ve ...

16th July 2023 : finally sailing!

Finally we have good sailing weather! Well, good wind that is, around 15 knots from the stern. We pole out the genoa and enjoy a smooth ride north. Other than the southerly wind, the weather is frankl ...

15th July 2023 : Arsuk village

As we heave anchor mid morning, the chain is covered with kelp – mostly the fine hair type, which is rather tedious to remove. After 20mins of patiently “unhooking” the tangled seaweed, we mot ...

12th July 2023 : Appilattoq and a broken sonar

We thoroughly enjoyed our sleep in yesterday. Without shame nor guilt, we got up at midday, feeling fresh and still under the spell of the day before. We set out for a wander in the picturesque vill ...

01st July 2023 (Day 48): the land of ice

After a short night sleep, we take a stroll along the stunning Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, culminating with – you guessed it, a waterfall. We continue our drive along the Vatnajökull ice cap, the 2 ...